1. Bouncing

Perform 20 or 30 minutes of exercise , like walks, daily can strengthen your immune system to help you prevent diseases like the flu and even the Cancer if you do it regularly.

This is because the exercise contributes directly to promote good blood circulation, which allows the cells and substances of the immune system move freely through the body and do their work efficiently, indicates the Harvard Medical School .

So that you also get the benefits that move gives you immune system , we share the following exercises that are easy and effective. Repeat each one 10 to 15 times.


1. Bouncing

It has a low impact and is very effective in mobilizing the lymphatic system , responsible for transporting white blood cells that attack the virus invaders and eliminate the infected cells. To do it you need a small trampoline, jump up raising your legs.

Video Medicine: Adobe Animate CC: Lab 1 - Bouncing Ball (April 2024).