Why is so difficult?

Literally, forgiveness can heal your heart. How? Feel resentment for a person increases the heart rate, which can cause a heart attack, says Kathleen Lawler of the Department of Psychology of the University of East Carolina.

By apologizing to the other, or to yourself, for the mistakes made you are lowering your blood pressure. In addition, you reduce your consumption of medicines and alcohol.


Why is so difficult?

Forgiving requires intelligence. Eduardo Calixto through Neurosurgery It explains why it is so difficult to forgive and what happens in the brain when this action is carried out. Click on the video!


Forget the past…

And although it may seem cliché, forgiving also helps forget. A study of University of Saint Andrews, in Scotland, affirms that excusing an act of grievance towards your person makes it easier to disappear from your thoughts.

This is because there is a capacity for emotional improvement. That allows to leave behind negative experiences or suffering. It is a function that allows control over yourself.


The day you have a broader view of the existence and motive of things, you will see that within each victimizer there is a victim asking for help. And once you have understood this, you will have more facility to forgive, "he says. Beatriz Goyoaga, coordinator of The Art of Living for Latin America and Spain .

Video Medicine: Why Is Dating Becoming So Difficult? (May 2024).