What you should not say at the end of a relationship

To end a relationship is not fun and sometimes without realizing we complicate the situation. Whether we cut or cut, there are certain things we should avoid saying at that time.

Some are a cliché, others can be interpreted as insincere and others are going to make you regret the rest of your life by ending your relationship in that way.

"We can be friends." It just does not work at the beginning. They need separate time, a kind of detoxification. And yes, sure it will be super uncomfortable at first you must accept it and move on.

"I never loved you" . Do not increase the drama factor just because you feel hurt. The fact is that you feel that way because you really love that boy. Be honest with yourself.

"What can I do to change your mind?" Remember that you are an incredible woman, there is not enough or powerful reason for you to forget it. Do not beg, the boy in question has already made a decision, respect it, but above all, respect yourself.

"It's not you, it's Me." Self-depreciation is always a sign of a sincere and very rehearsed feeling.

"I love you, but I'm not in love." You can only say this, if you're ready to respond to your boy, when he asks you what the hell that means. Just do not use "love" as a pretext to finish the Relationship.

"I need space." Avoid this kind of ambiguous phrases that have a lot of interpretations. If you are ending the relationship, make sure your partner understands what is happening.

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Video Medicine: Stay in - or Leave - a Relationship? (April 2024).