Steps to overcome the guilt

Our positive emotions and those considered negative , play a particular role in the adaptation of each person in their environment. This is the case of guilt, which allows us to identify what we have done wrong, to correct it and learn from it.

However, the process is not simple and can sometimes lead to a pathology. In this regard, the University of the Basque Country , says that when you're emotions They are presented in a constant, intense or prolonged way affect the welfare, performance and social relationships of the person.

In an interview with GetQoralHealth, Arie Schwartzman , wellness specialist, explains how the fault is generated and reveals some strategies to overcome it:

The feeling of guilt is composed of three elements:

1. The cause (real or fictitious)

2. The perception and self-evaluation of what happened (awareness of what has been done)

3. Negative emotion derivative (remorse).

In this sense, it is important to know how to face this feeling because our day to day life is very present, which is not healthy if we can not overcome it because it deprives us of an adequate personal growth And social.


Steps to overcome the guilt

According to Spanish psychologists Paz Corral , Enrique Echeburúa Y Fart Love , authors of the analysis: How to overcome guilt, from the University of the Basque Country, there are certain techniques to face and overcome guilt. Know them!

1. Identification of the behavior . It involves becoming aware of the damage done and trying to reflect on the remorse it generates, so that based on it a solution is sought.
2. Verbal and emotional expression of repentance . Manifesting what you feel, as well as the lack of prior awareness of the current consequences allow a better understanding and self-control of the acts and emotions .
3. Request for forgiveness . There is always a way to repair the damage done (directly or indirectly depending on the circumstances, as in the case of deaths). The important thing is to learn from what happened so that bad decisions are not repeated.

4. Repair : Carry out the necessary actions to repair the damage, because it has two purposes: on the one hand to show repentance to the other, and to recover the self esteem and tranquility of conscience.
5. Prevention . It is important to learn from the experiences previous in order to avoid situations that trigger the feeling of guilt already lived. Therefore, you should identify, prior to making decisions and actions, those situations that you have already experienced. One way to avoid future faults is voluntary or altruistic work.

Remember, it is so negative to be and feel guilty as not to do it at all, so you should always be aware of your actions and decisions, as well as give them a real dimension in order to learn from your good and bad experiences, which translates into personal growth.

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Video Medicine: 3 Steps To Overcoming Guilt (May 2024).