Security in theaters?

Before the news that was announced on Monday, November 12, about the death of the minor Hendrik Cuacuas at Cinépolis of the Iztapalapa Delegation in Mexico City, as a result of a shot in the head, many doubts have arisen regarding the security that exists in places of entertainment.

Therefore, various voices (security analysts and leaders in social networks), propose from the installation of metal detectors and security cameras to the entrance of the rooms, to the reinforcement of the security devices in the cinemas located in areas of high crime rate.

In view of the versions that have circulated regarding Cinépolis did not disclose the facts and that the function was never stopped when this violent event occurred, the chain of cinemas made known its position.

Through a press release, he affirms that the staff of the Plaza Ermita Iztapalapa complex answered the call of one of his clients, in room 2, who reported that a minor was injured.

"Immediately, they entered the room to attend the incident, the lights of the room were turned on, the function was stopped and on a stretcher the minor was transferred to the emergency exit, in the company of his relatives".

"The security personnel of the Mall, in the company of security elements, collaborated to move the minor from the cinema facilities to the manager's car. The rear seats of the private vehicle had to be folded down in order to properly position the stretcher. "

The minor was transferred to the Iztapalapa Regional Hospital, along with his companion of legal age. From that moment and in the absence of contact by the minor's family Henrick Cuacuas , the staff of Cinépolis He assumed that it had been a medical emergency satisfactorily solved.

However, they were informed of the death of the child, following the note published by the newspaper The reason , so they reiterate their commitment to welfare and safety with society.

What actions would you propose to gain security and protect the health of those you love? What would you demand from companies and government to prevent this type of events? Share your opinion!

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