STC vs respiratory diseases

The Collective Transportation System , Subway , activated during this winter season the program "TQM. For your health ", which seeks to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases , especially the influenza , according to information from Notimex.

This program has been applied in all seasons of the transportation network in the capital and promotes measures of prevention , especially for the high-risk population, such as children Y older adults .

Therefore, among the recommendations are:

1. Wrap adequately. two. Cover mouth and nose sneeze or cough . 3. Avoid attending crowded places in case of any serious symptoms. 4. No breathe by the mouth when leaving the seasons . 5. wash up Frequently the hands.

6. A healthy feeding that includes vitamins A and C . 7. For groups at risk, go to the modules of vaccination against H1N1 influenza in different seasons; in addition to giving notice to the authorities in case any person requires attention.

In this way, the subway urges the population to follow these measures with the intention of preventing the spread of influenza and other diseases. It would be worth remembering that sudden changes in temperature , especially by the air conditioning in the wagons, and rest adequately.

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