Seven unusual practices

The habits they are part of our daily life and accompany us at all times: in our social and emotional relationships, in our diet, in our physical activity , in our hygiene and influences even our intelligence .

A habit it is an action that is learned with constant repetition and allows us to perfectly perform a task or activity, and we acquire it with the influence of the environment such as at home, at work, with friends and at school.

Because our habits also influence the intelligence we can start learning new actions that help us to stimulate it. Therefore, in GetQoralHealth , we present you these unusual habits of intelligent people.


Seven unusual practices

1. Be sociable. A study of Oxford University says that having more friends makes us smarter because the interaction helps to develop more certain areas of the brain .

2. Siesta. The Berkeley University of California, United States ensures that one hour of nap a day makes people smarter because it helps clear the mind and increases the ability to learn.

3. Not being multifaceted. An article from the Chilean newspaper The Mercury affirms that performing two or more simultaneous tasks goes against concentration and intelligence. The more things are done, the more performance in each will be less and the distraction is greater.

4. Frown This habit encourages attention to details and prevents people from reacting viscerally and choosing to think, according to a study by the Columbia Business School .

5. Eat chocolate.  Researchers at the University of Calgary, Canada confirm that flavonoids that contains chocolate produce effects in the brain, so consuming half a bar is enough to develop our intelligence.

6. Meditate. This technique helps reduce the stress because it helps you keep your mind clear and increases concentration.

According to an investigation of the Massachusetts General Hospital With just one meditation program eight hours a week you can modify the brain regions related to memory.

7. Laugh . The University of New Mexico affirms that smarter people usually have a better sense of humor, there are even studies that show that laughter helps improve memory because it reduces thestress .

So these seven unusual habits can help you increase your intelligence and have a better quality of life.