Properties of the kiwi reduce infections

Scientists of the University of Oslo , concluded that the Kiwi It is a beneficial fruit for the organism, since it helps to reduce blood pressure .

According to this study, the properties of Kiwi reduce the blood pressure and therefore benefits the Cardiovascular system . In Spain the consumption of this fruit is increasingly common, although traditionally it is not one of the most consumed in Mexico .

The Kiwi contributes twice as much vitamin C that an orange, also contains fiber and in smaller proportion vitamins of group B and bioactive substances, among which the lutein . Therefore, its consumption provides many nutrients that benefit health.

In the next video, discover everything about the benefits of Kiwi :

The continuous intake of fruits rich in vitamin C , As the Kiwi , helps the body to improve the immune response to various infections. In addition, the power antioxidant of the vitamin C protects against the effects that free radicals exert on the cells , which decreases the risk of inflammatory and oxidative processes, which are at the origin of numerouschronic diseases .

The vitamin C help in the training of collagen , bones, teeth and Red blood cells , also favors the absorption of iron that is ingested through other foods.

The Kiwi It is one of the few fruits of green color even being ripe unlike other fruits, which lose this color during ripening. The green color is due to its content of pigments of the family of xanthophylls, among which lutein stands out; This bioactive compound has an antioxidant action and several studies have related to ocular health.

However, there are varieties of kiwis of other colors: yellow, orange and even red, due to its content in carotenoids and anthocyanins, other pigments that like lutein have activity antioxidant . Include in your diet a piece of kiwi and enjoy its benefits.

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