3 myths and realities of the egg

In Mexico, 6 out of 10 people consume eggs. 95% choose the white and the rest the brown colored egg. However, there are no nutritional differences between the two, he says. Tere Rull , nutritionist and teacher of the Faculty of Medicine of the La Salle University .

At a press conference, the health expert reveals some myths and truths of this product:


1. Myth Eating egg increases the cholesterol

Reality : According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there is no significant association, but it does know that the 4 countries that consume it the most: Mexico. Japan, Spain and France have the lowest death rates related to cardiovascular diseases.


2. Myth Chickens are fed hormones or injected to grow faster

Reality: Chickens develop in less time thanks to nutrition and genetic manipulation (broiler chickens); now more is known about the selection of the breed and the crosses.


3. Myth Ovulation of hens is accelerated by manipulation of light

Reality : It is not possible to manipulate this biological process by means of light. Chickens produce an egg every 25 or 28 hours, depending on how old they are.

According to Rull, the egg consumption, especially that of the egg white, is rich in proteins and helps to have more satiety, so it is ideal to consume it 3 to 4 times a week (one piece)

In this sense the expert in nutrition reveals that by consuming proteins in the morning, such as egg whites helps you to speed up your metabolism and fills you with energy so you are more productive in your professional or school work.How often do you consume egg white?

Video Medicine: GTA 3 Easter Eggs and Secrets 2 (April 2024).