Optimism benefits health

The negative thoughts , the stress and the anxiety They are harmful to health. A positive mind not only helps fight the stress , but also has an effect on the body, helping it to improve before a disease .

Scientists of Annals of Behavioral Medicine they assure that people who think sopositive they havehealthy immune systems and can live longer, both in general and when they suffer diseases As the Cancer , cardiac orrenal insufficiency

A recent analysis of several studies concluded that the health benefits that the positive thinking generates are comparable to the damages caused by negative states , according to him Psychosomatic Medicine.

In this way, the optimism helps reduce the stress induced by inflammation and levels of hormones of the stress As the cortisol . It also decreases the susceptibility to diseases by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system (which controls the functions and involuntary acts).

On the other hand,Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , indicates that those who show a high self esteem have a better cardiovascular response to stress , and his recovery is faster.

Have a optimistic vision of the future is to have an optimistic view of oneself, even the more stressed or pessimistic be, the better it will work.

Put aside pessimism and improve your quality of life with a positive attitude!

Video Medicine: Mayo Clinic Minute: Why you should be optimistic and 3 ways to do it (May 2024).