New drug for pain of fibromyalgia

The Federal Health Secretariat (Ssa), authorized for the first time a drug for to mitigate the pains caused by fibromyalgia. It is based on a substance known as pregabalin , which acts on the Central Nervous System and has analgesic, anticonvulsant and anxiolytic effects. Pregabalin is selectively coupled to a protein present in nerve cells, which in fibromyalgia patients are overexcited, and thus reduces its activity to normal levels, with which the pain decreases.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the health psychologist,María Isabel Barrera, explains what the risk groups of fribromyalgia are:

The Pfizer laboratory, responsible for the medication, ensures that it will improve the treatment applied to date, based on traditional analgesics , anti-inflammatory Y antidepressants . Pregabalin, which is also used to fight epilepsy, generalized anxiety or neuropathic pain, is authorized in the European Union and the United States. The most common side effects arising from its use are dizziness and drowsiness.

By the way, among the celebrities who suffered fibromyalgia, the Mexican painter appears Frida Kahlo (1907-1954), who reflected in his paintings the suffering caused by the disease.


Treatment against fibromyalgia

Although there is currently no medication to cure fibromyalgia, there are treatments to alleviate the symptom and improve the patient's adaptation. The therapeutic approach includes anti-inflammatory and analgesic, sleep regulators and behavioral-cognitive therapies. In particular, pain control plays a very important role in the quality of life of those who suffer from fibromyalgia. The moderate exercise It is also recommended.

On the other hand, it is important to remember that it is not a disease that causes disability, although there are very severe cases in which it can be invalidating. Not all those affected by fibromyalgia present the same clinical grade and the intensity may be fluctuating over time. The course of this disease is unpredictable and periods of relative remission with outbreaks or crisis. In the majority of those affected, the disease can be managed satisfactorily.