More than 5 million young people with obesity in Mexico

Mexico ranks second in obesity worldwide, after the United States. Mexico City is the number one obese. Each year the problem has been increasing, so much so that the World Health Organization, for more than 15 years decided to consider it as an epidemic at a global level.

Dr. Raymundo Paredes Sierra, mentioned in the Current Seminary of Medicine organized by the UNAM, that the population most affected by obesity is the middle class and the children of emigrants who live in rural areas, near the large urban areas. The sedentary lifestyle and the amount of junk food consumed, are factors of great importance for obesity.

The National Survey of Health and Nutrition 2006, found that overweight and obesity at school levels in men and women increased by one third between the years 1999 and 2006. Data from the ENSALUT show that one in every three adolescents is overweight, that is, more than 5 million teenagers in the country.

"Approximately 50% of cases, overweight appears before two years and the rest at puberty and adolescence, stages of increased growth. About 80% of obese adolescents will be the rest of their lives "highlights Dr. Paredes in the article published by the UNAM: Overweight and obesity in children and adolescents.

Video Medicine: Our Supersized Kids (April 2024).