It helps you achieve happiness ...

The human being is capable of experiencing different emotions, some of which are not very pleasant; example, the sadness or loneliness . However, el have a pet It could alter your feelings, but, how?

According to a study conducted by the University of Azuba, in Japan , petting and playing with a pet generates a "burst" of alterations associated with humor. This is because it releases larger amounts of oxytocin, also known as the "love drug", which decreases stress, fights depression and influences the construction of the trust Between people.


It helps you achieve happiness ...

Made by the Biologists Miho Nagasawa and Takefumi Kikusui , the study counted with the participation of 55 people who interacted with their mascots in a lab. After analyzing this action, the experts found that the level of oxytocin in participants who had spent more time making eye contact with their pets it was 20% higher.

That is why being next to this animal company generates changes in the humor, Since the oxytocin It plays an essential role in reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression. This is indicated by the research that was published in the magazine The Sevier of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology.

However, the benefits of having a pet They are not limited to emotions. An investigation of the University of Pennsylvania demonstrates that interaction with animals can be beneficial for the health of people with heart ailments.

One of his studies was performed on patients hospitalized in a coronary unit. The result: the company of an animal increases the life rate in at least one year.

In addition, the caress or contemplation of your dog for only a few minutes a day causes a decrease in blood pressure and the heart rate.

So what do you expect to offer all your affection to a hairy being as it is a pet.

Video Medicine: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness | Robert Waldinger (May 2024).