Identify and avoid it!

Pregnancy is a stage that most women enjoy to the fullest; however, in some it generates a fear of changing the body image, which triggers pregorexia.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Araceli Aizpuru, founder and CEO of Ellen West , details that women who develop pregorexia are afraid of changes in their body and weight gain.

Therefore, it is normal that they develop behaviors typical of anorexia such as restriction of diet, fear of fattening and distortion of body image. In addition, the specialist notes that there are two types of pregorexia.


Identify and avoid it!


  1. Pre-pregnancy anorexia: It occurs in women who already have this disorder for many years and during the gestation period continue with this eating disorder. They feel afraid to gain weight, so they decide to "stop eating".
  2. No history The woman develops pregorexia during the gestation stage without having previous antecedents. It is generated by different factors such as the natural change of the body, or by exaggerated and inappropriate pressure of some gynecologists.

The main consequence of pregorexia is malnutrition in both the mother and the baby, since it is a psychological illness where the woman restricts her diet to avoid gaining weight.


Know the alarm signals!

"Women who suffer from pregorexia have an obsession with counting calories; all day they think about how to reduce them from their diet; they dig into this so much that they begin to neglect other areas of their lives; The idea of ​​losing weight is latent in his mind, "says Araceli Aizpuru.

The treatment for pregorexia must be comprehensive and multidisciplinary where the nutritional aspects are worked on, so that the person recovers the capacity to eat in a balanced, healthy and complete way.

Currently the Foundation Elle West, offers advice and help to treat this eating disorder. Take care of yourself and protect your baby's health.

Video Medicine: MONDAY WORD: Toxic Relationships- Identify & Avoid (May 2024).