How to prepare for a 10 km competition

Carry a regime healthy food , work out Y rest the necessary hours are basic habits to feel good, especially if we want to prepare for a career.

This Sunday, April 6, will be held on 14th. Career IMAGE Kellogg's in the National Auditorium. Thus, GetQoralHealth gives you some tips so that you are 100% in a 10km competition. Take note!

1. Hydration. In accordance with Jennifer Roth, M.D ., medical Mayo ClinicDrinking water during the race should be avoided, as it can lead to electrolyte problems. Ideally, 500 milliliters of water should be ingested before and after the race.

2. Diet. According to Jennifer Roth, low-fat, high-carbohydrate foods, such as pasta, should be preferred for the last two to three nights before the race: "Ideally, do not eat new foods, or large portions that are not used to eating. last night".

3. Clothing. Check the weather the morning of the race and make sure you are ad hoc. Protect your sensitive areas to friction (example nipples and thighs).

4. Exercise . It is preferable that a day or two before the competition does not exercise , so that your muscles are relaxed and you do not have any injury . Remember to stretch before and after the race.

5. Rest well . Something basic is that you sleep between 8 to 10 hours before the race. In this way you will feel full of vitality.

Remember that you must go at your own pace. Do not speed up! Preferably listen to your favorite music so that the race is much more enjoyable and enjoy all the benefits that running gives you, such as being in shape, reducing the stress , the anxiety and free yourself from many fears and insecurity.

We are waiting for you this weekend in the Race Kellogg's image from 07:00 hrs on the esplanade of the National Auditorium . We will have many surprises for you.

Video Medicine: 10K Race Strategy | 5 Keys to Run Your Best (April 2024).