How to detoxify the body naturally?

The heat of summer is approaching, so it is normal to use light and low-cut clothing, however, to look a thin and healthy figure you have to free your body of toxins and fat. But how to detoxify the body in a healthy way?

According to the Faculty of Medicine of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile , the organism is contaminated by several factors, mainly with food.

Experts say that a diet rich in saturated fats, excess sugar, alcohol and chemicals have a negative influence on the body, causing symptoms such as:

  1. Constipation
  2. Heartburn
  3. Headache
  4. Insomnia
  5. Lack of energy
  6. Dermatitis

How to detoxify the body naturally?

On the other hand, Jovanka Ciares , nutrition consultant and collaborator of the Huffington Post, He detailed that to release the toxins and contaminants and to have a body of envy this summer you must include these steps in your routine:

1. Reduce the intake of processed foods and gluten. These products have artificial ingredients and have few nutrients, so they generate the accumulation of toxins and a slow metabolism.

2. Eat green grapes. This fruit is rich in fiber so it helps eliminate toxins from all organs.

3. Take infusions. Some herbs called as golden seal, dandelion and neem, as well as turmeric powder.

4. Decrease the consumption of refined sugar. Its digestion is very complicated and it alters the levels of glucose in the blood, besides that it generates addiction.

5. Do stretching exercises. This type of movement oxygenates your blood, which will help eliminate toxins from the organs. Yoga and Tai Chi are good disciplines to achieve it.

6. Get active. Through sweat, the body can discard toxins, so one way to stimulate it is with the exercise or physical activity of your choice. Also some natural therapies such as temazcal, sauna or steam baths can eliminate up to 20% of these.

Besides, the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile ensure that with your diet you can purify your body naturally, you should only include green leaf foods such as watercress, lettuce and spinach.

Do not forget that a good hydration is basic to detoxify and hydrate your body; Drink at least two liters of water a day.

By detoxifying your body you can reduce fluid retention, improve your digestion, prevent allergies, activate your metabolism, look young and clean skin, recover your energy. And you, how do you detoxify your body?

Video Medicine: Natural Remedies & Cleanses : How to Do a Full Body Detox (May 2024).