Homeopathic remedies for sinusitis

Sinusitis is another common condition in which homeopathy can be a healing alternative. The remedies vary, since there are eight sinuses in the skull and there may be different types of sinusitis. In homeopathic practice, the type of symptoms they manifest plays an important role in determining the type of homeopathic remedy to be used.

Sinusitis is usually the result of a cold or a persistent allergy. This can block proper nasal drainage and cause a variety of symptoms such as swelling and inflammation of the sinuses. This blockage can also facilitate the development of a breeding ground for an infection. Complications arise if sinusitis is left untreated for a long time. In homeopathy, there are certain cases where it can be self-treated, even for different types of sinusitis. These are some of the homeopathic remedies for your treatment, but you should exercise extreme caution in the use of the substances used, due to their toxicity.


Known as a poison in normal doses, homeopathic remedies use it in extreme dilutions to treat sinusitis characterized by beating and burning pains. This pain can be aggravated by light, noise and movement and can be caused by effort and anxiety. Sinusitis can also be followed by nausea and vomiting.

Potassium bichromate

It is used to treat sinusitis that is accompanied by a very thick nasal discharge. The condition is characterized by extreme pain in the nose that extends to the bones, and even to the scalp. It can be relieved by applying a little pressure on the pain area. Dizziness and nausea may also be associated with this type of sinusitis. The pain can lead to a vision disorder. Those who experience this type of sinusitis usually prefer to lie in a dark room and find relief by drinking hot drinks.


It can be used by those suffering from sinusitis characterized by a headache that gets worse if it is lying down or in a warm room and worsens when bending, sitting, getting out of bed or eating. It can be relieved by changing to fresh air or by wrapping your head tightly with a towel or bandage. This type of sinusitis triggers in warm temperatures. Most pain seems to come from the frontal area of ​​the head and be accompanied by stomach problems. Some people with this type of sinusitis can get relief, either by walking slowly in a cool place outdoors The nasal discharge that accompanies this type of sinusitis is usually thick and yellow or green.

Video Medicine: How to Treat a Sinus Infection Naturally (April 2024).