Alternative medicinal homeopathy that gains adherents

Who was going to say that the son of an impoverished family of porcelain painters from eastern Germany would be the founder of the homeopathic medicine ? Homeopathy was born 200 years ago by the hand of Samuel Hahnemann , a man disillusioned with the academic medicine of his time characterized by bleeding, purging and high doses of drugs with strong side effects, and fervent believer of healthy diets, exercises and low doses of medication. Based on the Hippocratic principle that "the similar is treated by the like "Or" what same what has brought about the wrong , he heals ", Hahnemann began to experiment on himself with substances such as quinine, belladonna, mercury or sulfur.

Contributions of homeopathy

The homeopathy try to stimulate efforts self-healing of the organism, that is, above all imbalance, problem or disease, the body sets in motion its defensive reactions to restore balance.

The four pillars of homeopathy are:


  • The law of similarity : there is a parallelism of action between the toxicological power of a substance and its therapeutic power
  • The law of dilutions : Hahnemann came to the conclusion that to obtain a quick, smooth and lasting improvement, it is necessary to use small doses
  • The law of individualization : it means that each person has a specific remedy for each moment, while another person, with the same disease but with a different character and way of evolving, will have another remedy for their illness
  • The law of healing of Hering (Hahnemann's disciple): the symptoms of the diseases are cured from the top down, from the inside out, and in the opposite direction to that presented. The treatment will be aimed at releasing the symptoms or diseases that were suffered in previous times.


Homeopathic medicines

According to the Spanish Society of Medicine Homeopathic , these medications can be indicated in diseases and disorders of otorhinolaryngological and bronchial type; digestive problems, cardiocirculatory (such as high blood pressure or venous problems); problems osteoarticular , urological and gynecological. Homeopathy is useful in dermatological and ophthalmological problems, as well as to relieve headaches and migraines.

There are, however, limits within homeopathic medicine in the treatment of patients with psychosis, organic diseases irreversible or disorders produced by the absence of specific essential substances such as vitamins, minerals or amino acids. In people with toxic habits (such as alcohol or smoking) or subjected to a very high physical or emotional stress, homeopathic remedies help to achieve an improvement, but its healing power is limited.