Hilary Duff becomes a mom

The actress Hilary Duff became mother The first to give birth on Tuesday to a child whom she and her husband, Mike Comrie, named Luca Cruz Comrie.

According to information published by excelsior.com.mx , the singer, 24, said through Twitter that her baby is healthy and weighed 3.3 kilograms at birth.

He stressed that having a child is a unique experience. "We are exultant and we feel we are the most fortunate parents in the world," said the actress.


Most common mistakes of first-time mothers

Having a child for the first time can be a very strong challenge for parents, especially for moms, so you need to be prepared for any eventuality. GetQoralHealth gives you 5 solutions to solve the most common errors of this stage:

1.- Exaggerate care : It is normal at the beginning to think that any movement can hurt the baby or that his immune system It is so fragile that it can be spread disease . Over time you will realize that only necessary care should be taken to keep it healthy. The best thing is not to take extreme precautions, relax and let your family and friends live with the new member of the family.

2.- Excessive hygiene : During the first three months it is good to sterilize things that are close to the newborn; however, as time passes it is enough to keep the objects clean. It is necessary for children to generate their own defenses so that they defend themselves from future allergies or diseases .

3.- Avoid home remedies : It is common for family members to want to advise on the care of the baby, but the ideal is for the pediatrician to be the only one to diagnose.

4.- Keep it fresh : The heat and sweating in the newborn are related to sudden death and the risk of suffocation, so avoid overcoating. To know if it is hot, just run your hand down its neck in search of sweat; while the cold you can detect it through contact with your hands or feet.

5.- Avoid silence in its entirety : You must accustom the child to sleep with everyday noises, because keeping the house quiet is a complete mistake, because this will help you differentiate the day from the night and match your schedules with yours.

With these tips your hazing when having a child will be temporary. Remember that you must observe your little one to know all their needs and avoid running to the hospital every time he cries. And you already lived this experience?

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