Healthy period

The female period is characterized by the series of changes that the body of a woman goes through to prepare for a pregnancy . There are certain signs that indicate that a menstrual cycle It's normal and you have to know to take care of your Health .

According to the specialists of the NorthShore University HealthSystem , women usually start having menstrual cycles between 11 and 14 years old, and which progressively decrease between 39 and 51.


The menstrual cycle is the time that is counted from the first day of menstruation until the day before your next arrival ", explains Toni Belfield , sexual health specialist and author of "Handbook of Sexual Health in Primary Car" .


Healthy period

While the menstrual cycle usually presents some different characteristics between each woman, signals that are common when talking about a normal period . Here we present them based on the information of the University of Minnesota Medical Center and the Cleveland Clinic .

1. Its duration is from 21 to 36 days (average of 28).

2. The menstruation It lasts only 2 to a maximum of 7 days.

3. Wrong humor , tension and anger.

4. Difficulty to sleep.

5. Vaginal secretions that at the time of ovulation become thinner and elastic.

6. Swelling and weight gain due to water.

7. Present pain abdominal, back or / and legs two days before the menstruation .

8. Sensitivity in the breasts.

Video Medicine: How To Tell If Your Period Is Healthy // Laura's Natural Life (April 2024).