Go out in moderation

Have you ever wondered why we consume salty foods? The strong desire for salt occurs when you are used to eating it in large quantities, however, in minimal amounts, sodium is necessary in our body.

According to information published in Selections Argentina.com, The body is made up of more than 60% water and salt is one of the electrolytes that allows the body to maintain a balanced level of fluids.

The salty foods help us to obtain the necessary salt for each day, but the abuse of these can be harmful for the cardiac health.

Some cravings for salt can be generated by the lack of minerals in the body or dehydration, so the consumption of salty foods temporarily relieves this need.


Go out in moderation

A study of Saint George University , in London, reveals that reducing daily consumption of salt by six grams could reduce deaths from strokes by 24%, and heart disease by 18%.

In addition, more than 70% of the salt we consume comes from prepared and processed foods, so it is important that you moderate the intake of these products.

Specialists recommend that you take a moderate diet in salt because in minimal doses protects your heart, according to investigations of the Albert Einstein School of Medicine .

It also stimulates the brain so it helps prevent health problems in newborns; and improves the practice of exercise by keeping our body hydrated. And you, why do you consume salty foods?

Video Medicine: Doug Stanhope - Excess in Moderation (May 2024).