The massage

When women suffer from Bad circulation , in addition to varicose veins , it is common that we present pains that could limit our movements. This can be corrected by means of a treatment or massages, according to the severity.

According to a study published by the Pacific University School of Physical Therapy, massage, It is possible to stimulate blood circulation and avoid the appearance of varicose veins or discomfort in the legs.

This massage better the movement of the blood through the arteries and veins, by means of which it takes the nutrients to the cells. It also reduces inflammation and prevents the discomfort caused by it.


The massage


  • You must be in complete rest and relaxed
  • It is recommended in a place of room temperature, that is to say, neither very cold nor very hot, since the heat can expand the blood vessels.
  • The first movement should be pressing with the fingertips the affected points of the legs.
  • The second, must be done in circular movements occupied three fingers of the hands.
  • You can place a pillow on the ankles to raise the legs slightly and improve blood circulation.

Tip: Some people apply some type of oil that helps to reduce inflammation like rosemary or ginger during.