Caffeine can cause abortions

Excessive consumption of coffee during the pregnancy could generate some risks for the fetus , according to a study conducted by Alan Croizier , researcher of the Faculty of Medicine , of the University of Glasgiow, in Scotland.

According to information published by the BBC , the researchers analyzed the content of caffeine in the express, from 20 different coffee shops in the city, and found that this drink contains up to six times more substance.

In addition, the Food Standards Agency (OAS) affirms that too much caffeine can cause a abortion or produce the birth of a baby with low weight , who are at a higher risk of suffering from Heart problems Y diseases cardiovascular diseases during its growth.

For this reason, the OAS advises women pregnant Avoid the consumption of more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day. Meanwhile, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of the United Kingdom supports this estimate, but recommends total abstention during the first three months.

Dr. Alan Croizier notes that "women pregnant metabolize caffeine much more slowly, while people who suffer diseases hepatic does not have enzymes appropriate to metabolize caffeine.

The researchers pointed out that although they had only analyzed espresso coffees, the truth is that many other types of this drink, such as cappuccinos and lattes, are prepared using single or double doses of espresso.

For his part, the doctor Euan Paul , Executive Director of the British Coffee Association , recognized that the levels of caffeine They vary in the different types of coffee available and recognized the importance of the pregnant woman adjusting to the recommendation of 200 mg a day.

One option offered by specialists is that women pregnant buy the decaffeinated drink, which will reduce the levels of the substance and enjoy a rich cup of coffee.

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Video Medicine: Partner's coffee habit can increase odds of miscarriage (May 2024).