Beliefs are the basis of your experiences

Our beliefs are the origin of the experiences we live. From small we have been programmed with beliefs in relation to money, food, people, work, sex, marriage, etc.

When we arrived as babies we did not have any beliefs, and our parents, teachers, siblings and adults around us gave us beliefs that we assume as absolute truths, without questioning them. We never think we find meaning in that belief or not, we just made them ours.

Beliefs are very important because they are what create our experiences; that is, if I believe it, I believe it, referring to, if I believe it in thought, I end up creating it experience . That is why we must learn to reprogram ourselves in conscience, with beliefs that if we make sense, we can change those that do not go in tune with us.

We are victims of victims, and who knows, did not know. Not all our beliefs are negative, we have some very good, but we refer to those that do not make sense. It is worth that I choose the ones that make me feel good. Only I think of my mind and a belief is that, a thought that can be changed by another. This will not happen automatically.

It is my right to use my free will manifesting my effort and personal work, to choose and change an old belief for a new one. That's what this is about freedom , that I can reinvent myself, recreate and renew constantly.

I invite you to do this exercise : Write on a paper all the beliefs that come to mind in relation to this topic; try to be as honest and objective as possible since in them you will be revealed a great information of why you have lived what you have lived.

Remember, if I change my thinking, I change my experience: Money, work, man, woman, children, marriage, love, health, etc.

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Video Medicine: pt 2,Spiritual Experiences As The Basis For Belief And Commitment (May 2024).