Attract positive things with feng shui

If you want something new to come into your life, you must make room to receive it. In accordance with Josefina Salvador , one of the consultants and instructors of Feng Shui more recognized, "what makes a house a house, it is not the walls, but the interior emptiness". To explain a little more about this, GetQoralHealth , gives you some recommendations to apply the feng shui in the house and enjoy the benefits it provides.

Salvador affirms that many people find it very difficult to throw things away: "The accumulation of objects in the same space is usually associated with feelings of fear or pain (attachments ) that tend to immobilize the person and reject change and prosperity. "

And is that the disorder of a place the emotional are closely linked: "The more you resist to empty, the less predisposed you are to change. When you clean cupboards and drawers, you are willing internally to embrace abundance and new opportunities, "says the specialist.

Remember that the space of your work area and that of your house are related. When your home is balanced, it helps you balance the work area and vice versa. These tips from Feng Shui they will help you to harmonize both spaces:


  1. If you have a crowded closet and you can not make important changes at this time; empty and leaves only what is necessary. You can also apply a simple trick: place photographs, posters or posters that symbolize flying birds, butterflies, dragonflies, flowers or vaporous clouds in an almost clear blue sky, with the intention of creating a sense of fluidity and space within the walls of the piece of furniture or space. make the blockage and heaviness disappear symbolically.
  2. Keep things well It also helps us to receive prosperity. Surely you will like to find things easily for this you need a place for everything. Say yes to order.
  3. Do not accumulate anything. It is convenient that the doors can be opened wide, so as not to impede the passage of energy. The visual impact when entering a room is important, it should not look like a burst full of figurines, trophies, boxes, etc.
  4. Photos distributed Throughout the house they also create confusion, it is better to select some and create a mini-gallery.
  5. Do not forget to use logic and common sense. This way you will get good results and prosperity will stop being just an illusion.

Freeing yourself from useless things, they will allow you to flow in harmony. Having order in your home and / or place of work will make the roads open and the abundance will remain.

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