Alerts that the body sends

They say that thebody is verywise , this idea is not far from reality. Reacts in different ways to internal and external stimuli, has the ability to regenerate and even commandsalerts when there ispain to indicate thatSomething's wrong .


"Thepain is the natural way your body reacts toalert from somehurt orthreat . Warns aboutalterations linked to processesorganic normal orinjuries muscle, "he saysHartmut Goebelneurologist and medical director of theKiel Pain Clinic in Germany.


Alerts that the body sends

Thepain can beacute orchronic . The first appears suddenly, lastsLittle time and disappears when the body heals. The cause can be an infection, fracture or after surgery. The persistent reachesextend for more time after the injury, illness or origin has disappeared, indicates information from the National Institutes of Health of the United States.

Because the causes ofpain They are multiple and varied, enlist five alerts that your body sends.

1. Stress When you feel threatened, the nervous system begins torelease adrenaline Ycortisol (hormones of thestress ) as a natural response to the emergency. Then the heart beats faster, itthey contract themuscles increases theblood pressure , heaccelerate thebreathing .

These physical changes suddenly increase and after overcoming this moment, the body returns to its normal state. Then thepain that can manifest itself in the head,shoulders , back,stomach orchest , warns the American Psychological Association.

Video Medicine: SharePoint Workflow Alert with Direct Link to Item (April 2024).