7 tips to eliminate obsessions

According to a study of Knox College in Illinois , the obsessions with respect to possessions they are equally harmful than amorous ones. This is because there are often deep feelings that bind you to certain objects, which is unhealthy.

Storing objects takes up energy and mental space that you could take advantage of in another more productive way. To eliminate these obsessions , GetQoralHealth suggests the following tips

1. Desidia: Things accumulate because it is thought that they will have a use in the future. To avoid this, assign an expiration date to each object. If you have not sewn that broken skirt or you have not read that book, better give it to them.

2. Clothing: Having a full closet wears you mentally, since you're always worried about what you're going to wear. Specialists say that when you have many options it is more difficult to make decisions.

3. Less is more: The more things you have less staff is each object. Better choose those objects that you really love instead of accumulating things that mean little to you.

4. Invest: Instead of spending your money on objects, better invest in activities. Specialists of the University of San Francisco They suggest that people who spend their money on experiences are happier.

5. Clean: Try to clean your wardrobe regularly, you can do it with a friend, since you need an objective opinion to get rid of what you no longer use.

6. Classify: There are objects that are needed for particular situations such as lingerie or a pan to prepare lobster, although they are not for daily use if they have their time and place.

7. Memories: There are objects that have a sentimental charge and are worth rescuing, but if they remind you of bad experiences, better throw them away, this is also a good therapy to forget the past.

Forget about thinking that if you throw something you will regret it because maybe you can use it in the future, but if this is your only reason to keep an object, it is not enough. Always try to think with a cool head. Good luck!

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Video Medicine: HOW I GOT RID OF (Obsessive Anxious Thinking & Painful Rumination) (April 2024).