7 celebrities with Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is a progressive and disabling condition because the neurons that produce dopamine - which sends signals to the brain that help coordinate body movements - die or do not function properly.

Parkinson's disease usually begins around the age of 60, but may appear earlier and is much more common among men than women; however, if something has shown is that it is a condition that can affect anyone, such as the following celebrities or characters:

1. Helen Mirren The British artist who won an Oscar for best actress for her portrayal of Isabel II in "La Reina", revealed, according to the newspaper The Guardian, who suffered from Parkinson's disease. Therefore, since then, it has joined forces with the British organization Parkinson's UK to combat this disease.

2. Michael J. Fox. The Canadian actor presented the first signs of Parkinson's in 1990, but was diagnosed until 1991. His illness became public almost seven years later, two years before he retired from acting to dedicate himself to be an activist of the disease through its foundation.

3. Ozzy Osbourne. After his well-known problem of drug abuse, such as methamphetamines, which are a factor in the development of Parkinson's disease, almost everyone in the music industry claimed that their symptoms belonged to this disease. However, according to Dr. Alan Ropper, head of neurology at Caritas St Elizabeth's Medical Center in Boston, the rocker suffers from a similar condition known as Parkin Syndrome.

4. Mohammed Ali. The confirmation that one of the biggest, if not the most, of boxing suffering from Parkinson's disease occurred after his retirement in 1981, after leaving behind glorious memories of the string. Since then, the former pugilist has had several appearances, as in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, where the progress of the disease is noticed.

5. Manny Pacquiao. According to the neurologist Rústico Jiménez, president of the Association of Private Hospitals of the Philippines, the pugilist presents, although "early", symptoms of Parkinson's disease, after the tests carried out after the fight he lost against the Mexican Juan Manuel Márquez .

6. Salvador Dalí. On September 11, 1980, the Spanish newspaper The country, announced in its pages that the painter Salvador Dalí was the victim of a degenerative and irreversible process, whose symptoms corresponded to that of Parkinson's disease. Another symptom that seems to confirm it is the 'agitated depression', which triggers moments of euphoria, and great activity.

7. John Paul II . The leader of the Catholic Church began to show signs of the disease in 1992, but the Vatican never confirmed what was then evident; however, this disease was not the main cause of his death in 2005.