7 benefits of steam

Either in a Finnish sauna , Turkish bath or temascal , the benefits offered by the steam are countless: it detoxifies the skin, purifies the organism, dilates the bronchi, regulates the blood pressure and it improves the heart and circulatory rhythm. However, it is not recommended for all people.

To get the most out of a Steam bath and avoid possible risks you have to know their operation very well.

Therapeutic value of steam

1. Improves cardiovascular circulation . Thanks to the fact that the heart accelerates its beats to bring blood to the surface of the skin in order to cool it, the circulatory speed eliminates the toxins of the organism faster.

A Japanese study indicates that the use of the warm sauna (around 60º C) can help patients with congestive heart failure to improve your cardiac pumping efficiency and blood flow.

2. Improves sweat response : the warm body breathes to cool, using the sweat glands and keeping the sweat response functional to favor the thermal regulation outside the bath.

3. Steam is a good skin stimulant . Improve the hydration and it produces a deep cleaning.

4. Eliminates toxins and heavy minerals . It has been proven that in addition to expelling toxins , the steam shower , and particularly the sauna They can eliminate certain minerals in the body, such as lead, one of the heaviest.

5. Relieve pain and discomfort . This is because the steam, in addition to improving the circulation , allows the emission of endorphins and heat the rigid joints . A warm body is less sensitive to pain.

6. Help to sleep . By relaxing the body and eliminating many of the pains, steam baths contribute to a better sleep.

7. Relieves the discomfort of arthritis . Steam can reduce the effects of rheumatoid arthritis .

Video Medicine: Body Cleanses & Detoxification : What Are the Effects of a Steam Room on the Body? (May 2024).