6 reasons to wash your teeth

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society , made by the University of California , revealed that the oral hygiene is related to mental illnesses such as dementia . The results showed that people who brush less than once a day are 65% more likely to develop mental problems. GetQoralHealth Tells you why you should brush your teeth frequently.

1. A beautiful smile is synonymous with proper brushing after every meal or at least twice a day with toothpaste with fluorine . It is also recommended to do it after eating sweets.

2. You must floss at least once a day to remove the residue that remains after brushing.

3. If you drink wine or coffee frequently, you should take into account that these substances stain your teeth . However, there are treatments that whiten the enamel without weakening them. You should always turn to a specialist.

4. The teeth with the passage of time they take on a yellowish tone. The dental color of an 18-year-old to a 65-year-old adult is not the same. To whiten them, you can make a mixture with baking soda and apply it daily until you achieve the tone you want.

5. Smoke is one of the main factors for the teeth look yellow, have bad breath and collateral diseases such as Cancer .

6. According to the agency's data Reuters , heart disease, strokes and the diabetes are involved with a disease of the gums caused in turn by a bacterium .

To avoid the cavities , wash your teeth immediately after eating. The longer the food lasts between the teeth, the bacteria It takes longer to produce the acid that demineralizes the teeth and weakens them.

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Video Medicine: Dental Advice : How to Clean Teeth with Dental Tools (April 2024).