5 tips vs pain in menstruation

Have you felt dizziness , sickness , inflammation, Cramps and pain in the menstruation ? If your answer is affirmative, we have good news for you. In information published by the Huffpost Voices , are given some tips that will surely help you to prevent these discomforts during your menstrual period.

1.- do exercise : Throughout the month try to be active. When you exercise your body releases endorphins , which relieve pain in the menstruation of natural form. The regular movement helps fight the fatigue and the inflammation .

2.- Enrich your diet: Foods rich in calcium and magnesium fight premenstrual symptoms. The two minerals work together and play a key role in muscle contractions. It is recommended to take 500 mg of each daily.

3.- Eat unrefined grains: Whole foods (bread and rice) increase serotonin levels, so it prevents the irritability that occurs before your period. In addition, Omega-3 fatty acids eliminate pain in the menstruation .

4.- Use contraception: The pill , the patch, the ring or intrauterine device They help the menstrual flow to be light. So go with a specialist, who will be responsible for prescribing the right one for your needs.

5.- Eliminate sodium: Some women are more sensitive to sodium that others, but if you are one of those who retain liquid quickly after consuming salty foods, try to cut them days before your menstruation.


Know the disorders of menstruation

In an interview for Salud80.com, gynecologist Julie Salomón , explains the normal symptoms that are registered during the menstruation , as well as the disorders that may occur in this period and that must be addressed immediately:

On the other hand, changes in mood are very common during the menstrual period, so it is recommended to take 10 minutes of sun, to increase the levels of serotonin and help avoid those changes.

However, if the pain in the menstruation is very strong and prevents you from doing your daily activities, it is best to take an analgesic before your period begins, to reduce the levels of proglastino, which is the substance that generates cramps. And you, do you feel any discomfort or pain in menstruation?

Video Medicine: 5 Tips to Reduce Menstrual Cramps Naturally (April 2024).