5 tips vs electrosensitivity

Currently, many technological devices Like the cellphones , computers , video game , gadgets , among others, have largely solved our life and our needs.

However, every day we depend more on it and spend a lot of time using all kinds of appliances, which can cause a new type of disease that affects the physical and cognitive faculties . The electrosensitivity is a disease caused by electromagnetic radiation

Be electrically sensitive means having a set of symptoms that are activated or intensified by being near electric appliances , transformers, mobile phone antennas or other sources of radiations .

To know the characteristics, symptoms and risk factors of the so-called electromagnetic hypersensitivity , in GetQoralHealth we present you a video of Discovery Salud:

For the above, we tell you some basic tips to avoid exposure to this type of filings harmful:

1. Make the most of the day light to carry out your activities, in order to reduce energy consumption and exposure sources ofelectromagnetic radiation . 2. Keep your immune system reinforced with a diet organic rich in nutrients , 8 hours dream , exercise moderate, lots of fresh air and sunshine. 3. Instead of plasma TVs, you prefer TV screens and LCD computers. Use the lap, pc, video games, cell phones and gadgets, etc., the minimum, and disconnect them when you do not use them. 4. Lead a way of life without chemical to reduce your body burden of toxins . To do this, substitute all household cleaning and personal care products for versions without toxic chemicals .

It is necessary to be very alert to any signal indicating any sensitivity special to the use of devices. Although the affected person does not seem to have any problem, it usually happens when they are exposed to electric fields .

Any recurrent disease that is caused by radiations , and that it diminishes or disappears when one moves away from the source that generates them, constitutes a case of electromagnetic sensitivity .

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Video Medicine: Cars, EMF and Healthful Tips (May 2024).