Household work damages your hands

Ironing, cooking and even laying the bed are domestic tasks that, although daily, can cause injuries to those who perform them.

According to a study conducted by the teaching area of ​​the Family Medicine Unit (UMF), of the Mexican Institute of Social Security , the most frequent mishaps are poisonings, burns and falls.

However, the orthopedic surgeon specializing in hand surgery and member of the Clinic for diagnosis and treatment of pathology of shoulder, elbow and hand of Buenos Aires , Carlos Lupotti indicates that the body region most affected in accidents by domestic tasks are hands with almost 40% in the case of burns.

With this objective, Lupotti offers you five tips to avoid injuries to your hands at the time of performing a task at home:

1. Pay attention to the weight . A safe limit in the weight of the object to be handled is 23 kilos, as long as the load is kept close to the body and at waist level, no turns are made while the load is being held and the number of times it is lifted This weight is not very high. In the case of buckets and pots, the weight limit is reduced to 5 liters.

2. Avoid forced postures. The support on which you perform the task (table, ironing board, counter, etc.) must allow the full extension of the arms to avoid contraction of shoulders, neck, elbow and wrists.

Avoid the incorrect postures: to access the work area move your body in its entirety instead of stretching your arms.

3. Alternate tasks. Ironing or cooking demands a standing position for long periods, which produces fatigue in the joints of hips and knees (and long-term circulatory disorders) and in the upper limbs.

It is recommended to alternate the tasks that must be done standing with others that can be done sitting to allow the relaxation and recovery of the affected muscles and joints.

The repetitive tasks should be carried out for 40 minutes with intervals of 10 to 15 minutes and then resume.

4. Use the appropriate instruments . It is essential to use tools and accessories in good condition and with the appropriate measures for the person who uses it.

5. Minimizes repetitive movements. It is recommended to alternate the tasks to use different muscle groups and, thus, allow the recovery of those used in the previous task. This also applies to the arms, since normally the person overloads the dominant limb (left or right).

Remember that the most important thing is your health, so you should be careful when doing some domestic tasks. Beware!

Video Medicine: How To Get Soft and Smooth Hands - Home Remedies for Dry and Rough Hands (April 2024).