4 tips to recognize a manipulative relationship

A relationship of partner which is based on control can be severely destructive. The manipulation damages the trust and the self esteem of the person subjected, therefore we must act with determination to avoid emotional damage.

According to information from Empowher.com This type of relationship is characterized by possession and jealousy, which if left unattended can be transformed into violence. To avoid this type of relationship, follow these tips.

1. Analyze the degree of honesty . Consider how things have changed since the beginning of the relationship. Take into account what are the reactions of people close to you regarding your partner If the worried notes mean that you have changed and that your partner It is bringing out the worst in you.

2. Recognize how much your partner's jealousy or possessiveness is. It is common to be protective, but it is in excess, it is an alarm signal. If you partner You question too much about the things you do in your absence, then you may have a possessive personality. Extreme possessiveness indicates that you partner It is manipulative and controlling.

3. Pay attention to the repeated cycles of your partner in the relationship. These consist of making a mistake, asking for an apology in a superficial way and then looking for your affection. Think how many times this has happened, since this situation is part of the control you seek through the use of your compassion to alter your judgment.

4. Avoid denying your mistakes partner . Falling in love is wonderful, but if you blind yourself to their manipulative attitudes you can damage your Physical Health and emotional Open your eyes and see the obvious warning signs, if you always make excuses it is likely that you know something is wrong, now is the time to act.

A manipulative person lacks self-confidence Y self esteem , this is the root of wanting to have control of the relationship but above all of your person. Analyze what really makes you happy so that you start taking actions for the benefit of your emotional health .

Video Medicine: 10 Types of Emotional Manipulation (April 2024).