10 signs of cortisol excess

When there is an imbalance or alteration of cortisol levels, caused by stress and anxiety, for example, the brain sends a signal to the adrenal glands so that they release even more, which leads to an excess of cortisol.

If he stress and anxiety remain for a long time, cortisol levels will remain elevated, producing many metabolic problems, and may even generate Cushing's syndrome , which causes excessive accumulation of fat in various parts of the body.

The main objective of cortisol is to provide glucose to the brain, for which it will destroy all other tissue, proteins, muscle proteins, use fatty acids and close the entrance of it to other tissues. That is, it regulates the 3 fuels, so it is vital to recognize when there is any alteration in cortisol levels.

Signs of elevated cortisol levels are:

1. Mood changes, constant irritability, feelings of anger and cravings
2. Permanent tiredness even if we do nothing.
3. Headaches.
4. Hypertension.
5. Lack of appetite, excessive gula and / or digestive problems due to an imbalance of brain chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and endorphins.
6. Frequent urination, diarrhea or constipation.
7. Muscle aches or cramps, and fatigue.
8. Infertility and interruption of menstruation.
9. Memory loss because high levels of cortisol damage the connection between brain cells.
10. Decrease in defenses.

Excess cortisol may indicate problems in the adrenal gland or in the pituitary, and the presence of high amounts of triglycerides in the blood, they may indicate elevated cortisol levels.

Therefore, if there are more than three of the above signs or an increase in weight for no apparent reason, it is important to see a specialist for specialized care.

Video Medicine: What Are the Symptoms of High vs. Low Cortisol? (April 2024).