1. If you were born one day 1, 10, 19 or 28

The birthdate can provide you with very interesting and objective information about your personality and that of each person. Know and understand your numbers what they mean and the symbolic part can help you in various aspects of the lifetime , among them to close cycles.


Numbers can help you understand the people around you and yourself so you can forgive and close cycles. Sometimes you want things from others that can not give you and that may be due to his personality, "says the numerologist Claudia Sánchez .

For the appearance of close cycles the important number is the one of your birth day, affirms the expert in interview for GetQoralHealth . Based on your information, you know aspects of your personality and some advice. Remember that month or year does not matter.


1. If you were born one day 1, 10, 19 or 28

your ego is the one that can make you the process of duel more painful, therefore, although you have a lot of internal strength to face the emotions which implies, you have to learn to be less controlling.


2. If you were born a 2, 11, 20 or 29

Because you are very sensitive Closing cycles is usually dramatic for you. And if your duel has to do with the sentimental area, how to finish with your partner , it's going to cost you work to detach yourself. The advice of an expert can help you overcome it better.


3. If you were born a 3, 12, 21 or 30

You are a very sensitive person before justice issues and surely in your processes of duel you consider that there is a lot of injustice. But you have to analyze situations objectively to avoid victimize and be able to close the cycle in a quiet way.


4. If you were born a 4, 13, 22 or 31

The changes generate insecurity in a general way, which alters the status of situations causes a conflict and the process of duel as well. You must work more in your faith , that will help you close each cycle in a positive way.


5. If you were born a 5, 14 or 23

Because you have the ability to detach from pain, the grieving process is easy for you. Closing cycles helps you free yourself in some way, so you're on the right track.


6. If you were born a 6, 15 or 24

You tend to get attached much to people, so closing cycles costs you a lot of work. For you it is more complicated a duel that has to do with your family or partner, that's why you have to seek help, a Thanatologist It can help you on the spiritual path.


7. If you were born a 7, 16 or 25

You have internal strength, but it may be that in a duel stores to evade what you feel instead of facing it without realizing it. You must close cycles, seek help if you consider it, so that you can emotions and do not live years with sadness.


9. If you were born an 8, 17 or 26

Inside of numerology you are one of those who have more strength internal, that helps you get ahead. When you make a decision it is radical and if you decide to overcome a process emotional you get it


10. If you were born 9, 18 or 27

You live the duels with intensity and pain because you are very sensitive and dramatic . But you have in your favor that you have the power of will to get ahead, cling to him to close your cycles and move forward, better things will come.

Closing cycles is important so you can free yourself from the emotions , situations or people that hurt you and achieve progress in life. Sometimes you cling because you think it's the best for you, but with time you'll realize that you have a world of possibilities that is waiting for you to act. Do not wait and be happy.

Follow Claudia Sánchez in @clau_numerologa

Video Medicine: What Does It Mean to Be Born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th day? (April 2024).