Tobacco and alcohol cause cancer of the tongue

The Tongue cancer originates in the cells lingual, either at the base of the organ or in the sublingual glands. This condition produces a tumor local and spreads with time.

Is disease occurs when cells of the body are divided without control and without order. Regularly, it is grouped with other types of mouth cancer (lips, palate, cheeks or gums).

90% of patients have a history of smoking or alcoholism , which are the most important risk factors that trigger the serious condition, said Angelica Cruz , medical manager of Eli Lilly , in an interview for GetQoralHealth .

In the following video, the specialist explains the measures that a patient should have with Tongue cancer :

The symptoms that occur with the disease are: lesions in the skin , difficulty to swallow, herpes Y sores in the mouth, numb tongue, changes in speech, pain when chewing and bleeding.

Angelica Cruz assures that the oncologist is the person in charge of seeing patients with Tongue cancer . The treatment varies according to the level of advancement of the disease .

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