The evidence

Smartphones have revolutionized our forms of communication By integrating technology into our lives we have shortened the distance with our loved ones and friends. This device has ceased to be a luxury item to become a basic accessory; even some of our grandparents already have one.

Much has been debated about how much hurt can do to our body, the constant use of cell phone. Many specialists have been given the task of investigating which are the damage they cause the electromagnetic radiation in our brain.


The evidence

1. It affects the neuronal activity of the brain. A study published in the magazine Clinical Neurophysiology mentions that being exposed to a half-hour conversation through a 4G device under the standard Long Term Evolution, affects neuronal activity in both hemispheres, these conclusions were obtained from a study with 18 people who were monitored in a short time.

2. Increase glucose metabolism. A study led by the doctor Nora Volkow , director of National Institute on Drug Abuse , shows that using 50 minutes of conversation a day on the cell phone, increases the metabolism of the glucose in the brain by stimulating the ear with the receiving antennas. He recommends using headphones in what they investigate if that increase hurts or benefits health.

3. Raise the surface temperature of the head . The doctor Andrei Techernitchin in your article Effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation on health and the specific case of the effects on human health of mobile telephony published in Medical Social Notebooks in Chile, he mentions that this elevation increases the risk of developing lymphomas

4.-Higher probability of brain cancer In children . In the same study headed by Andrei Techernitchin It is mentioned that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones is a factor with more than 50% chance of affecting children and increasing the risk of suffering brain cancer.


5.- Damages the brain of children under 8 years . William Stewart , commissioner of National Council for Radiological Protection In the United Kingdom, he mentions that we must prevent children under 8 years of age from having contact with cell phones because the radiation they emit penetrates more easily to their brain that is scarcely developing.

Debate whether cell phones affect our health or not, will remain in the sights of researchers, in the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Hong Kong They have developed a material that manages to block up to 90% the radiation of mobile phones.


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