Test to detect insomnia

The causes that provoke Sleep disorders or insomnia are several: a bad diet, stress , excess of refined sugars in the diet , lack of physical activity and disordered life habits.

The lack of dream It prevents you from enjoying all the activities of your day to the fullest. If you feel that you do not sleep well and you feel tired, apathetic and not very focused on the day, it is important that you know how to recognize if you suffer insomnia, so this test of the Clinic of Sleep Disorders of the Faculty of Medicine of the UNAM will help you discover it.

A. During the past month, how do you consider the quality of your dream?
1. Very good
2. Acceptably good
3. Slightly poor
4. Very poor

B. During the past month, approximately, how many minutes did you usually need to fall asleep once you decided to go to sleep?
1. 0-20 min
2. 21-30 min
3. 31-60 min
4. more than 60 min

C. During the past thirty days, how many times have you woken up every night?
1. None
2. 1-3
3. 4-5
4. more than 5

D. Every night, during the past month, how many hours have you really slept, not counting the time you were awake?
1. 8 hs
2. 6-7 h
3. 5-6 h
4. less than 5 h

E. During the past month, did you feel sleepy during the day?
1. Never
2. A little
3. Pretty
4. All the time

F. In the past month, how many times did you have to take a product or home remedy to sleep?
1. Never
2. 1-7
3. 8-20
4. More than 20

G. In the past month, how many times have you taken sedative prescription drugs to sleep?
1. Never
2. 1-7
3. 8-20
4. More than 20



Add the points corresponding to the numbers on the left of each answer option. If the total score is:

1. From 7 to 9: you do not suffer from insomnia
2. From 9 to 14: mild insomnia
3. From 14 to 21: moderate insomnia
4. From 21 to 28: severe insomnia

Remember that it is important that you review your life habits to detect the probable cause (s) that are interfering with your quality of life. dream, As the insomnia . Also, if this problem begins to be frequent, it is best to go to a specialist so that you receive the most appropriate help.

Video Medicine: Diagnosing Sleep Disorders -- New Techniques and at Home Sleep Studies (April 2024).