What they say about your life ...

The eye bags they are those black circles that form around the eyes. They are almost always related to sleeplessness or a lot of fatigue. Many people have asked me the meaning in facial communication of them, and is that this type of particularities also they communicate something about your life .

In a physical way, the dark circles are generated by the dehydration of the skin and the rupture of the capillaries. That is why it is bad to rub your eyes tightly, because we just damage them more.

The eye bags They also occur when we take some medications or when we are menstruating. The first is because some medicines dilate blood vessels that tend to translate into dark circles.

In the second case, it is because our skin in those days looks a little paler and that makes emphasis on this type of skin marks.


What they say about your life ...

However, studies in China started with health purposes and the face has a link with the organs of our body. In the case of dark circles, their connection is with the kidneys that actually have to do with water.

According to the Chinese, they are in charge of giving us vital energy to live and they are the first to suffer when we are very tired, sick or wasting energy.

In the language of Facial Communication there are several interpretations. One of them is feeling stuck in some process in life. That's why I recommend you when they appear:

Take a lot of water

That way you will "load" your kidneys and hydrate the capillary vessels near the eyes.

Dedicate yourself 5 minutes to yourself

If you like to meditate, do it, or simply disconnect to charge the battery. It will help you relax, that will improve your appearance, but above all it will give you clarity to understand the reason why they came out.

Use lenses and sunscreen

With them you will avoid darkening the area closer to the eyes and thus also protect from UV rays one of our most precious organs.

Indeed, there are many products in the market that contain caffeine that can help you improve the appearance by means of its desinflammatory effect (and if you do not want to spend opt for cold black tea bags or sliced ​​potato out of the refrigerator), or correctors that will make up the area to hide it.

However, they are also trying to tell you something. Remember that "The Face Speaks". It will be better to listen to it to decipher the message and thus improve inside and out.