Nails reflect your health

The hands not only reveal your personality, they are also the keys to deduce how your health is, since the shape and color of the nail reflect the diseases , infections or disorders that your body suffers.

Some studies highlight that nails have different classifications that show when your health is in poor condition and you need medical attention, such as the following:


  1. Mee lines: When the nails have whitish lines like stretch marks, it means you may have a heart problem, poisoning, fever.
  2. Pallor: According to information published in Very interesting , this type of nails reflect anemia .
  3. Thickness: Very thick and deformed nails can be the cause of mycosis , fungal infection, deficiency in vitamins Y arteriosclerosis .
  4. Blues: This color represents a deficiency of oxygen in the blood , which could be due to heart failure or a chronic lung disorder.
  5. Convex curvature: Betrays the presence of a infection chronic in the lung.

The specialists assure that a a Healthy and normal should be smooth and uniform in texture. Therefore, before any strange change in its shape and color, the ideal is to go to the doctor to rule out any disease and improve your health. And you, how do you protect your nails?

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