Alonso Lujambio receives bone marrow transplant

The secretary of Public education, Alonso Lujambio, was transferred to an emergency hospital in the United States to perform a bone marrow transplant due to the cancer he suffers.

Lujambio was hospitalized for the first time on October 23, 2011, as a result of acute kidney failure. He was also diagnosed with cancer. bone marrow .

Against this background he began treatment of chemotherapy with a favorable prognosis, however, the results have not been as expected.

The state of health of the secretary is delicate and is in intensive therapy since last December 29.

Nearby sources mention that the official is also waiting to get a kidney compatible with his relatives so that he can be transplanted.

The replacement of the official is imminent; President Felipe Calderón will appoint in the coming days the new secretary of Public education.

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