Alcoholic congestion generates loss of consciousness

The alcohol it is assimilated by the organism in a fast way, independently of the characteristics of each individual, although the level of absorption depends on the previous ingestion of water, the degree of ethyl concentration in beverages and food consumption, because the fats Y proteins They delay the absorption process.

The first effects appear 10 minutes after consuming a drink and reach their maximum point in a span of 40 to 60 minutes. In case of a serious poisoning , after this period serious symptoms appear.

A person who has consumed a greater amount may be semi-asleep, but will be able to wake up quickly with defensive movements when he receives some kind of stimulus (a push, for example).

If this situation deepens, then it is about stupor , moment in which the subject will be able to rise only before vigorous stimuli, although their answers will be slow and without sense.

In extreme cases, there may be a state of awareness so diminished that the person will be unable to wake up and there will be no manifestation before the pain , which should be considered a very serious alteration; is about medical emergency which requires the transfer of the affected person to a clinic or hospital.

To know more about this poisoning , in GetQoralHealth we show you a video of the Red Cross of Nogales, by local channel, where Dr. Juan Alberto Muro explains more about the symptoms:

It is important to point out that, contrary to what is believed, provoke threw up A congested subject is extremely dangerous, because he is not able to control the reactions of his body and could drown.

Once out of danger, your treatment will be to remain recostado in lateral form until it exceeds the drunkenness and regain consciousness; it will be applied mixed serum , which contains sugar and salt in the same proportion, as well as a multivitamin and a sedative . Occasionally, you may be stomach wash in order to eliminate waste from alcohol that exist.

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