Hypertension detonates brain diseases

This May 17 is celebrated World Day of Arterial Hypertension , a condition that affects the Mexican population more every day. Currently, 30% of Mexicans over the age of 20 have blood pressure high. More than 50% of men over 60 suffer from it, while in women the condition occurs in almost 60% for the same age range.

The main causes of blood pressure high are the sedentary lifestyle , diet high fat, alcoholism , stress Y smoking .

In the next video the doctor Joel Estrada , cardiologist explains what is the arterial hypertension and their characteristics:

The arterial hypertension It is a public health problem that in most cases the diagnosis is made since there are serious complications in the health of patients. For this reason, this disease is known as "the silent killer".

To detect in time the arterial hypertension It is important to conduct a study that analyzes the patient's body composition, which provides a detailed analysis of how much fat and muscle has a person in arms, legs and trunk, the amount of calories that your body spends at rest, the efficiency or adaptation of your body to exercise and above all the response of his heart to it to help him fight this ailment.

In this way, adequate treatment can be provided to help control the blood pressure high and avoid complications such as brain diseases. Specialists recommend doing this study every six months. Beware!