7 tips to avoid heartburn

The excess of acid at stomach cause the acidity or acid reflux , which in turn provokes pain in the coating gastrointestinal . When this excess of acid comes back to the throat , he inflammation and it produces the burning sensation of stomach .

The acidity It is the most common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux and, if not treated in time, can cause respiratory obstruction, choking sensation, hemorrhage , and even death.

There are several factors that cause heartburn , among them the bad eating habits, lack of sleep, smoking Y to drink , digestive problems abdominal pressure stress Y obesity .

The best treatment actually lies in prevention, so in GetQoralHealth we give you some tips to avoid heartburn :

1. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
2. Eat a banana a day, due to its protective action against heartburn and heartburn .
3. Chew food properly. Do not eat in a hurry.

4. Do not skip meals and better eat small portions frequently.

5. Avoid fried foods and those with many preservatives or artificial flavors, as well as spicy, vinegar, chocolates, excessive tea or coffee, mint, spearmint, citrus fruits or juices, soft drinks, etc.

6. Avoid raw vegetable salads such as onions, cabbage, radishes, and peppers.
7. Do not eat right before going to bed; preferably a couple of hours before at least and take a short walk afterwards.

In this way you can prevent heartburn , but if you already have it, these same tips will help you reduce its effects and burn. You can take a mixture of 2 teaspoons of natural apple vinegar and 2 of honey in a glass of water before meals, which prevent discomfort.

The most important thing is that you change those habits that are unhealthy, whereas if you already have these symptoms, you go to a specialist to determine the correct cause and you can take an effective treatment.

Video Medicine: 7 Things to Try to Reduce Your Acid Reflux (April 2024).