Women lose more friends by sex

The sexual activity that teenagers have in their circle of friends impacts girls differently than boys, according to a new study.

After some researchers will analyze thedata on youth in 28 rural communities in Iowa and Pennsylvania, who were monitored between 11 to 16 years old found that girls They lost friends when they had sex with them , while they gained long-term friends when they did not have sex.

Instead, the boys lost friends for long-term relationships when they did not have sex and gained friends to have sex, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) in Chicago.

The researchers found that after having sex, girls lost 45% in peer acceptance, while boys had an 88% increase in acceptance. Although after just leaving, the girls had a 25% increase in peer acceptance, while the children had a decrease of 29%, the results showed.

"Of all the results, what really surprised us was that the mere fact of kissing, showed a pattern with a strong double inverse sexual standard, favoring girls and affecting children," added Derek Kreager, associate professor of sociology and criminology in the Pennsylvania State University , lead author of the study

The results, the professor points out, are consistent with traditional prejudices about men and women, despite the fact that there is talk of more sexual openness.

"Today we still expect men and boys to act with sexual impulses when starting their relationships: instead of having an affair, they are expected to start chasing multiple sexual partners," Kreager said. "On the contrary, it is expected that women and girls desire a romance about sex, boosting the value of monogamy and committed relationships."

Kreager reaffirms that "the double sexual standard arises because women and girls who violate traditional sexual scripts and have occasional and / or multiple sex are socially stigmatized, while men and boys who perform similar behaviors are rewarded by the achievement of male ideals. "

The study also found that for girls to challenge traditional gender scripts for having sex can cost them both male and female friendships. However, for boys, kissing without having sex, may cost them the loss of male friends, but not of friends.

"No wonder girls do not punish children for making them go out, since this behavior is rewarding for them, both socially and physically," Kreager said.

This research, which focused on adolescents, demonstrates that the double sex standards that have previously been studied in college students "also affect young people who have reached sexual maturity," Kreager said.

These data and conclusions of the investigation are considered preliminary until they are published in a journal reviewed by professionals.

More information

The American Academy of Pediatrics has more information about adolescent sexuality.

Video Medicine: How To Keep A Guy Chasing After Sex – Why Men Lose Interest After Sex (April 2024).