Trevi suffers facial injuries when getting off an airplane

The inflamed chin, broken lower lip and two fractured teeth were some of the wounds suffered by the singer Gloria Trevi after falling from an approximate height of 2 meters.

The incident occurred when Trevi descended from his plane, which landed at Toluca Airport. Although the way he stumbled is unknown, it is known that the blow went head-on, which caused him various injuries in the face, so she was admitted to the Hospital Angeles de Las Lomas.

About, Raúl López Infante , plastic surgeon of the singer, clarified: "She is already well, she has inflamed the chin to the cheekbone, she arrived with the lower lip broken and as the blow was from front, all that part of the teeth, in the front part has two fractured teeth, I can not say anything because I'm not a dentist, I'll have to evaluate it by a specialist and I think it's going to be hospitalized for a few days, but that's fine. "

The doctor affirmed that Trevi has to be in observation, but discarded some injury high risk, so he hopes that in a matter of days, he will rejoin his daily activities.

Video Medicine: United Passenger Needs Reconstructive Facial Surgery, Lawyer Says | NBC Nightly News (April 2024).