The most harmful!

The fat in the hips , thighs and buttocks is the most complicated to eliminate for women, in part because estrogen they determine that it is in those areas where it accumulates the most, and also that certain "cravings" go directly to them, generating more problems.

In addition to the aesthetic, accumulate grease in these areas it is a risk factor against health, since it increases the risk of suffering heart diseases Y diabetes , according to a study of the University of Oxford .


The most harmful!

If you are taking care of your figure and you want to avoid sabotaging yourself, we present you with the "cravings" that generate more fat in the hips.

1. Refreshment Excessive consumption of sugary drinks is associated with weight gain in general, but a study of the Department of Nutrition of the Harvard School of Public Health , indicates that consuming them promotes the accumulation of grease in your hips .

2. Burrito. Its base are cheese, rice, tortilla, chicken and cream, which add up to 1180 calories to your body and 2,900mg of sodium , the worst part is that most will end up coming to your hips.

3. French fries. High in Trans fat , which are used to make food last longer; not only damage your hips, they also obstruct arteries in the heart , causing serious problems.

4. Ice cream. Whole dairy products have high contents of Saturated fats Y calories , it states Neal Barnard , professor in George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences ; all its derivatives tend to easily accumulate in your most conflictive areas.

5. Lasagna. While it is a delicious whim Italian, its ingredients: pasta, cheese and beef, are a harmful combination for your hips and abdomen for the amount of grease containing.

6. Donuts. Its delicious taste has the detrimental effect both on the sugar and the way they are prepared, since they are finally a "fried dough". This combination affects your area abdominal and hips mainly.

7. Bacon. Naturally high in fats , because it comes from the belly of the pig, but as it is preferably eaten fried, it is added a large amount of oil that is harmful to the health in general.

To effectively prevent the accumulation of grease in the hips it is important that in addition to diet balanced exercise, such as swimming or riding a bike. In the next video we share the routine of Arli Lifshitzte , instructor of Jazzercise, for you to work the area.