That your palate does not deceive you ...

One of the most difficult obstacles to overcome when it comes to lose weight It is hunger between meals. For this, in many subsistence allowance the consumption of snacks , but, do you know which of them do not help with your goal, on the contrary can they increase your weight?

According to the expert David Katz, founder of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University , the foods that promote satiety, sense of satisfaction do exist; example of this are fiber and some proteins


That your palate does not deceive you ...

However, in the search to find foods that help to alleviate hunger, we opted for snacks that do not help lose weight. And here we offer you four with information about the sports nutritionist, Nancy Clark.

1. Yogurt with granola . A half cup of granola can add up to 300 calories and 15 grams of fat to your diet. Instead you can consume low-fat yogurt with fruit.

2. Smoothie. This mixture of milk with fruits such as banana or strawberries can provide between 300 to 400 calories A smoothie can be a good snack, as long as it is lactose-free milk.

3. Grapes Each one has around five calories, meaning if you consume a fist you will be ingesting around 200 calories.

4. Tuna with cookies. Tuna is a good source of lean protein, but if you combine it with crackers, it's not a good option, since it consumes seven to eight servings (300 calories total).

The best thing to lose weight is to maintain a balance diet and a dose of daily exercise. Remember that your health is in your hands!