Sculpt your body at 30 years

According to the World Association of Veteran Athletes (WAVA, for its acronym in English), the rate of loss of male fitness is relatively uniform and slow until 60, so it is important that you sculpt your body with a routine of exercise effective.

If you have crossed the threshold of 30 years, you should keep in mind the importance of keeping fit and taking care of your health through a good diet and a proper exercise routine for you. It is never too late to practice some sport or physical activity that requires some effort.

If you have chosen to practice a half marathon or simply go to a gym to get on the treadmill or aerobics, you should start training slowly, increasing the duration or intensity of your routine slowly.

To run has been said!

  1. Skipping: Run by raising the knees to the height of the hip, marking very well the gesture of the stride.
  2. Skipping from behind: Run and try to get your heels close to your buttocks.
  3. Strides: It runs with exaggeratedly long steps.
  4. Multisheets: Jump and try to fall with both legs together. Then alternate the right leg with the left.
  5. Fast treads: Run as if the ground was very hot, treading the shortest possible time. Start with that step and come back trotting very gently.

One of the important principles for maintaining a healthy body and optimum physical performance is to believe in oneself. Do not forget to do some warm-up exercise routine to prevent injuries. And you, how much time do you exercise daily?

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Video Medicine: 10-Minute Workout to Sculpt Your Body in 2 Weeks (April 2024).